If you’ve ever spent a day working cattle, you know one thing for certain—it’s not for the faint of heart. And if you’re new to the job, let me offer you a little advice:

“Don’t take to heart what I say when we’re working cows.”

Otherwise known as - "We listen and we don't judge."

It’s not that we don’t love each other. It’s not that we actually mean half the things that come out of our mouths. It’s just that when 1,200-pound animals have a mind of their own, things tend to get a little…tense.

The day usually starts out great. The sun is shining, the coffee is hot, and everyone is in a good mood. Then the first cow refuses to go where she’s supposed to. And suddenly, that good mood? Gone.

Before you know it, you’re running, yelling, waving your arms like a lunatic while someone (probably Dad) shouts “GET THE GATE!” and someone else (probably Mom) hollers “WHY DID YOU LET HER GO?!” Meanwhile, the cows are looking at us like we’re the ones who need to be herded.

At some point, someone will trip over a fence, step in something they wish they hadn’t, or nearly lose a hand between a gate and a wild heifer. And every single time, at least one person will swear they’re never doing this again. (Spoiler: we always do.)

But here’s the thing—when the last cow is finally through the chute and we can all take a breath, the frustration disappears. The cussing, the yelling, the threats of quitting? Water under the bridge. We crack open a cold drink, laugh at the madness, and go back to being a normal, loving family.

Because at the end of the day, working cows isn’t just about the cattle—it’s about family, teamwork, and memories we’ll be laughing about for years.

So if you ever find yourself working cows with us and hear some... “colorful” language—just know it’s all part of the job.

Until next time, From the Farm.

- The McBee's

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